How to detangle dreadlocks from your horse’s mane and tail.

How to detangle dreadlocks from your horse’s mane and tail.

 Are you familiar with the moment when you want to groom your horse and being shocked by the state of your horse’s mane and tail? 
Yes, that happens more often than you think. To save the hair without cutting tail, mane or forelock out of frustration, we suggest following these steps:
  1. Breathe in and then breathe out to calm down.
  2. Do not even think about delaying dealing with it till the next day. Just do it. The situation won’t improve with time.
  3. Alright, after you’ve relaxed a bit, grab the widest metal comb you can find. (Try not to destroy the whole tack room while try finding something like a comb in your tack box.)
  4. Do Not wet the hair. Just apply a small amount of conditioner on the very end of the hairy mess.
  5. Let the conditioner soak in for a while. The aim is to create sleek smooth hair.
  6. Gently work on detangling the hair with the wide-tooth comb starting from the end.
  7. Work your way up and only apply conditioner a little bit at a time.
  8. This may take some time but afterwards, you will feel better
    (and your horse as well)

After you have detangled the mess, your horse’s mane and tail may look a little bit greasy from the conditioner you applied. You can leave it in or you can give it a quick shampoo. The best prevention is to keep your horse’s hair dry, conditioned and sleek.
After shampooing or even if you left the conditioner in the hair, you want to spray Detangler in the mane and tail to prevent a repeat of the situation. By using Detangler you create a barrier between the mud and the hair structure which will protect the surface of the hair from mud, dirt and everything else which gets easily caught in your horse’s hair.


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